Hi!  My name is Angie Bright, founder of Bright Blessings.  I am a mama to two adorable babes that have taught me big things about myself and motherhood.  They each showed me something different about what postpartum can look like - the ups, the downs & all the in-betweens. The journey to parenthood was not easy for my husband and me.  We experienced losses over the first few years of marriage and then once our daughter was born, I was met with post partum anxiety.  Motherhood is an experience beyond words and something that shouldn't be journeyed alone.  
It's been on my heart since my last baby to develop carefully-curated gifts & resources that can help a mama in those early days of motherhood - and beyond.  I hope you will find these gifts intentional and encouraging, as I've prayerfully considered each piece. 

Gift giving is my love language and it is such joy to create something that will give beyond my own circle.  Thanks for being here and sharing the love.